But then again, hindsight works the same in the computer age as it has since the dawn of humanity, so there is only one way to move past your failures: Go ahead & take some risks that might bring success this time!
Now, you might wonder how to make a fortune with no real cash to speak of, which is why you came to my article in the first place. It's funny how that word "FREE" gets so much attention nowadays.
What if I told you it is possible to earn cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin, with no money, & no more than a cellphone and/or a Windows/Mac computer.

But WAIT !!!
There is a way to mine this money without all the expensive computers, & it costs virtually nothing but the electricity you use to juice up your digital devices.
There are platforms online that you can use to mine your cryptos, & the site owners simply get a very small percentage of your take.

Therein lies the reason for the existence of these setups. Instead of paying for all the high cost equipment themselves, they can create a great way to use millions of other people's processors, & achieve an even bigger result than trying to buy hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of processing hardware.
Your benefit is good as well, albeit on a smaller scale.
Greater still, some platforms give you a huge BONUS if you are willing to share their system for others to use. They will pay you a percentage of all the production from miners you recruited to their site, for several generations down the line.
One perfect example of this cool system is MINERGATE.
With this cool system, you can mine all the most popular cryptocurrencies using your desktop, laptop, and/or cellphones & tablets.
With your Windows & Mac systems, you will download a program that has an incredible little feature called SMART MINING. The program will automatically mine the specific currency that has the highest exchange rate during the last hour. This means you will get the absolute MOST out of your mining time & efforts.
For Android & Apple systems, you will simply download the MINERGATE app & get right to work digging your way to a fortune!
This Can't Be True?

Yes, you will get actual cryptocurrency with this method, but it might seem a bit scant, especially on older, slower processing hardware.
Because of this, I won't promise you untold wealth, but I WILL tell you that in this brave new world of digital money, a little bit can go a long way.
As we have seen recently with Bitcoin, the early investors who bought a few hundred dollars worth back then, became multimillionaires today.
So, if you are willing to dive into the water of this next incredible revolution, this is a great way to get started, & earn while you learn. The small amounts that start trickling in might not seem worth your time, but all it takes is for one of those low value currencies to rocket up like Bitcoin did, & your pennies instantly become thousands of dollars.
So, why not put some of your old cellphones & computers to good use again? Instead of collecting dust, they can collect some MONEY.
I am not an expert in cryptocurrency or any financial aspects. Please consult with professionals before investing resources into any venture, and as always, enter at your own risk.
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