*CHILLING DISCOVERY* Obama Portrait Reveals Frightening Image Hidden In Plain Sight

For those who already think the recently unveiled portrait of former President Barack Obama is strange & creepy, just wait until you see THIS!

The ancient Biblical tale of the serpent in the book of Genesis tells us about Satan tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden. It seems the creator of this presidential artwork is regaling the same story, with Obama as the sinister central figure.

As you can see in this bizarre illustration, Barack sits among the array of flowers & leaves, suggesting that he rests in a type of garden. 



This may seem innocuous enough, unless you notice the metaphorical imagery, evoking the memory of such a disturbing event in ancient history.  

Let's take a look at Obama's right hand...

You don't need to look too diligently to see the frightening image of a SNAKE!

You can see the dark, foreboding eye notched in Barack's middle knuckle, as his pinky finger opens the mouth of the serpent. Then, this freakish depiction is tied together by the vast foliage which comprises a garden.

So many millennia ago, the devil, disguised as a snake, desecrated the innocence of mankind in our world's first beautiful garden.

Could this be a divine "accident" influenced by God to show us the real Barack Obama?  

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