*LIAR ALERT* Stable Climate Denier BILL NYE Spins More Fake Hype

Cataclysmic Hurricanes THE NEW NORMAL?

So called ‘scientist’ Bill Nye is showing a serious neurosis diagnosis once again with his latest outlandish climate claims.
Every time hurricane season spawns its usual destruction, people like NYE come out of the woodwork with their laser focused proselytizing for global warming alarmism.
Anyone who pushes a singular agenda at the expense of all others, is UNSTABLE.



THIS defines Bill Nye, & his message should be taken for what it truly is: 

Dangerous hype

In his latest assertions while speaking to TMZ Friday at Burbank Airport, he claims there is a direct connection between this latest round of major storms Harvey & Irma, & climate change.

He takes a shot at skeptics, scoffing,
The deniers will find a way to show that you can’t connect any one storm. But this is probably the future of it, we’ve been talking about it for 30 years.
Then he makes a veiled plea for the population to put him in charge of making all the decisions, which is a bad idea, by the way…

Wouldn’t it be great to be a world leader, instead of a sit on your handser[sic]?

If we give this guy the keys to our government, we all deserve to suffer under his iron fist.
In any case, I will show you right here why Bill Nye is a wrong, with actual historic hurricane data.

But first, take a look at his inane lecturing here:

Now, I will destroy his ridiculous argument with some inconvenient truth.
Here is a table showing years with highest number of strong hurricanes since 1851:

Seasons with the most major hurricanes, 1851 – Present

RankYearNumber of Major Hurricanes
This data reveals absolutely NO TREND of increasing weather cataclysm going forward.
Furthermore, 5 out these 8 years are BEFORE 1996!

Still Not Convinced?

Another ranking list shows seasons with the highest accumulated cyclone energy:

Seasons with the highest Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE), 1851 – Present

RankYearACE Index

Again, most of these years are BEFORE the 1990’s, & only 2 of the 10 years are in the 2000’s.

So, in these factual data tables, we see no pattern of increasing danger from hurricanes. They actually reveal the random nature of nature, with no relationship between human behavior & global climate change.
So, when people like Bill Nye, who claim to be experts on climate, try to scare us into giving up more of our money & liberties for some vague threat, tell them, “NO THANKS.”

Let’s not let these dystopian dictators become the NEW NORMAL…

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