An avid fan of Elvis Presley, who has chosen not to be currently identified, received a bizarre voicemail message on Saturday night from an anonymous caller who, the fan claims, is the real Elvis, still alive & well.
The unidentified Elvis lover stated,
"I was caught in a trap, crying all the time because I just couldn't solve this puzzle about my teddy bear, but after this call, I'm all shook up!"More interestingly, this UFO(Unidentified Fanmail Oration) consisted of no spoken words, but only singing.

A clip of this mysterious message will be available soon for your examination, while this investigation is ongoing, with more information to be released as the story unfolds...
I have obtained the audio footage of this message & posted it here for you to analyze.
Hi Mich, nice page, this is the first time I've been here will come more often....