Elvis Fan Gets A Voicemail Message From "THE KING"

An avid fan of Elvis Presley, who has chosen not to be currently identified, received a bizarre voicemail message on Saturday night from an anonymous caller who, the fan claims, is the real Elvis, still alive & well.

After many years of research to uncover the truth about the alleged death of Elvis Presley & the mysterious circumstances surrounding his many live sightings after the fact, this fan was ready to accept defeat... Until this fantastic new piece of evidence.

The unidentified Elvis lover stated,
"I was caught in a trap, crying all the time because I just couldn't solve this puzzle about my teddy bear, but after this call, I'm all shook up!"
More interestingly, this UFO(Unidentified Fanmail Oration) consisted of no spoken words, but only singing.


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A clip of this mysterious message will be available soon for your examination, while this investigation is ongoing, with more information to be released as the story unfolds...



I have obtained the audio footage of this message & posted it here for you to analyze.

Do you believe this is the voice of Elvis Presley?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mich, nice page, this is the first time I've been here will come more often....
