E-Cigarettes Can Save Millions Of Lives: So Why Is The Anti-Smoking Lobby Killing This Revolutionary Product?

Safer Vapor Goes Up In Smoke 

How Public Health Regulators Are Killing People

For centuries, humans have smoked tobacco in various devices, leading to countless premature deaths & incredible healthcare costs.

Now, thanks to our technological ambitions, we have created an e-lixir that can provide the pleasures of nicotine addiction relief, without the mortal dangers of carcinogenic tars & other chemicals. This invention, the e-cigarette, is truly one of man’s greatest life savers, & a sure fire way to reduce the rising cost of healthcare around the world.

Many experts are saying, the e-cigarette has the potential to get more than 50% of the smoking world’s population to quit cigarettes. With more than 6 million people dying annually from smoking related diseases, this wonder vaporizer can cut that number down by as many people who decide to replace their tobacco & jump on the vape wagon!



Crock Block 

This all sounds so wonderful! So, why do our public health officials & anti-tobacco groups fight this new innovation just as fiercely as tobacco?
Their reasoning is nonsensical, & they are killing millions of people every year as a result. These factions essentially place vapes in the same category as cigarettes, simply because people seem to be using them in the same way for the same effects. The problem with this logic is, it is totally false.
The e-cigarette is inhaled as a vapor, containing nicotine, a substance with virtually the same potency as caffeine. Consequently, there are no dangerous chemicals that can cause heart disease or cancer, like those in tobacco products.

Joe Nocera, a New York Times Columnist, says it best:

Equating smoking cigarettes to inhaling e-cigarettes is a huge disservice to public health. On the scale of potential harms, e-cigarettes aren’t even in the same ballpark as combustible cigarettes. They have the potential to save millions of lives.

The High Cost Of Over-Regulation

Because these misguided lobbyists are afraid of the unknown dangers from some yet to be discovered risk factor within the e-cig, we get the grand displeasure of watching our friends & loved ones die early in the most horrific way.

Here is how the deadly process takes effect:

Under pressure from these foolish lobbies, the FDA has instituted a rigorously long & expensive application process for every new e-cigarette product emerging on the market. As a result, the final bill for such high regulation is up to $1 MILLION for each new item.
With this type of cost prohibitive intrusion, Only a few big corporations can afford to manufacturing e-cigarettes. This spells disaster on more than one front.
First, with only a small number of companies offering the product, competition is stifled, causing prices to remain higher. This will drive current tobacco smokers to stick with their cheaper, deadly habit.
Secondly, fewer innovators making the product means fewer innovations that could otherwise make e-cigarettes even more attractive & capable of converting smokers to safety.

The Broader Implications

The recent furor over healthcare provisions & costs has ignored the giant smoking elephant in the room. So, if we can finally pay attention to the real risks of NOT adopting e-cigs, how much could we reduce the cost of healthcare by eliminating the deadly use of tobacco?
According to the CDC, $170 BILLION per year is spent on healthcare for illness caused by tobacco smoke. This amounts to nearly 10% of ALL HEALTHCARE SPENDING! Worse yet, public programs like Medicare and Medicaid pay for most of these costs.
Instead of encouraging safe & inexpensive alternatives to deadly tobacco, they have chosen to regulate humanity to DEATH… LITERALLY…

Many thanks to PragerU

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