Healthcare Has Become Health & Wealth Careless In The U.S.
Now, more than ever, our American healthcare system is costing us more than it ever has in world history. Worse still, our access to this service has been more limited, creating the perfect storm of expensive, low quality care.
But WAIT! I thought the government intrusion method would save us all from certain doom. After all, Uncle Sam has done wonders with our public education system & Veterans Administration… D’OH !!!!
The sad truth is, we have been swindled again on several fronts by our own so called public servants. It’s a simple matter of the old proverb: Easy come, easy go. The government cannot be trusted with the responsibility of caring for America. They never have to earn the business by competing with other health services, they simply steal the money from taxpayers & make their own rules.
Sob Story Short Sellers
These crafty creatures create the false narrative of government dependence using the easy targets of health & education to tug at our heart strings. They tell us that our children need a public education, or future generations will be somehow more stupid. Then they convince us that the poorest in our ranks will be in danger of premature death if the Feds don’t dispense the healthcare service, because the “evil” private sector doesn’t care about people. This would all make sense, if it wasn’t actually a false idea which runs counter to human nature & collapses under it’s own ignorance.
It might work out better if their rules were actually rooted in common sense, but that is too much to ask of our GIVERment. These feds are giving out money & services without adequate accountability, & that adds up to nothing but trouble! They gave us the sob story of too many Americans without insurance, & then promised to fix this problem by adding millions of non paying customers to the rolls without a way to cover the increased cost.
The truth is, there is NO WAY to lower healthcare costs when you increase welfare recipients. They tried the mandate, attempting to force hard working citizens to pay the tab, but that still could not cover the gap in cost & coverage.
Folks, there is only one way to tackle this issue, & you won’t find the answer in our dysfunctional Congressional sessions. It’s time for the invisible hand of commerce to work out the kinks, & restore order in this universe.
Why Do We Make Healthcare A Government Priority?
The choices we make as consumers should be no different with health concerns as it is with our grocery shopping or any other purchases we make. So, why does our public leadership separate certain goods & services to control at such a high degree. The Fed now has the reigns on more of our money, nearly 20% of our entire economy earmarked for healthcare, yet the system is failing. Likewise, our public education system is in dismal disarray, yet we keep funding it by the tax loads.
You can spend a million dollars on band-aids to cover a bullet wound, but the patient will still bleed to death without the proper treatment. Right now, we are sticking an overpriced bandage on a deep puncture, & it will never work. It’s time to stop giving our public system so much money, & let the market take care of this. Scrap the whole thing!
- Increase competition in the health care market. Remove and/or reduce restrictions across state lines for insurance coverage, forcing the insurance industry to lower cost & improve service.
- Stop attaching insurance to employment for lower costs. The state line easing of restrictions will help to mitigate this need for employer based group rates.
- Attractive tax incentives for health savings accounts, which can be passed on to beneficiaries with no tax penalties.
- Drastically increase accountability in all areas of welfare service. Any frivolous demands for healthcare by welfare recipients will be met with punitive deductions from the recipient’s welfare payments. Any healthcare service provided will cost the recipient a percentage of their welfare disbursement, commensurate with their particular needs.
- Allow the market to devise a wise plan, emphasizing a solid catastrophic plan, which is generally less expensive than comprehensive & largely unnecessary care.
- State and/or federal healthcare lottery, where all net funds go to the healthcare system, & a minimum percentage of winnings must be escrowed for the winner’s lifetime healthcare costs.
- Use existing & emerging technologies to streamline the cost of providing health service, such as virtual visits by doctors via internet, cutting the cost for travel & infrastructure.
- Encourage insurance companies to create a health savings plan for their clients, in conjunction with the catastrophic plan, which benefits everyone’s bottom line.
- Re-introduce the truth into the American consciousness that free healthcare is not a right, & all citizens must be responsible for their own lives, better prepared for anything that may come along.
The bottom line is this:
As I get older, I have learned this one powerful principle that works famously as well as anything else.
If you don't need it, don't buy it.
Sure, the concept of thriftiness is not so sexy, but it has gravitas. It simply WORKS! It allows you to use your freedom in a responsible fashion, which embodies the spirit of America itself. The problem is, we give our government too much of our hard earned money, & it’s SO EASY for them to spend someone else’s cash !!!
We live in a nation grounded upon freedom based principles. With great liberty comes great responsibility for yourself & your family, NOT for all others, many of which waste our resources. When each person is allowed to take care of their own, & not forced to pay for waste, fraud, & abuse, efficiency rules, & prosperity results. It IS what made America the greatest nation in world history, & will make us great again!
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