Miss USA Castigated For Telling The Truth: Health Care Is A Privilege, NOT A Right

Health Careless

The left wing brainwashed masses responded with fierce opposition to the newly crowned Miss USA, Kara McCullough, for telling them the TRUTH!

During Sunday’s pageant, she brilliantly replied to a question about the dissemination of health care to Americans, as a right or privilege.

Her answer:

I’m definitely going to say it’s a privilege. As a government employee, I am granted health care and I see first-hand that for one to have health care, you have to have jobs. 

So therefore, we need to continue to cultivate this environment that we’re given the opportunity to have health care as well as jobs to all American citizens worldwide.

Almost immediately, the social media justice warriors took to the Twittersphere to attack her premiss.

One girl wrote,

Miss DC was my fav but… not after that answer. Everyone has a right to healthcare. 



Why Can’t It Be A Right?

This battle between entitlement & rationality is an important fight for many reasons, & we need to understand why health care service cannot be forced upon caregivers without fair compensation.

First, it is clear that doctors have taken a hippocratic oath to serve all of those in need, without prejudice, & this is a wonderful thing. However, that solemn promise is a moral agreement, not to be legally attached to a contract, bound by government edict.

Second, if you are such an avid advocate of compulsory health care, would you also favor a law which says you must provide special care for those in your neighborhood who can’t take care of themselves? What if there was such a law, & every opportunistic skid rower knew they could force you to take care of them? Never mind you just had to make costly repairs on your home, taking out a loan just to finance this need. This scenario is EXACTLY what is happening in healthcare today!

There is a very good reason to separate the “church” of a doctor’s oath from the “State” of a taskmaster’s whip.

Just as you pay for everything you need to take care of your family’s needs, so do healthcare professionals. Our doctors, nurses, & technicians spent countless hours & dollars to gain the skills they need to take care of you, & they are worthy of their hire. Would you spend years & piles of money to educate yourself for a great job, only to be told you must work for FREE, or at the very least, far under your commensurate salary for that job?

Barbarians At The Gate 

Then, add to this situation the foolishness of bandits who abuse their bodies daily, & leave the rest of us with the bill when they want us to bail their broken bodies out. The costs of tobacco use & abuse of drugs has taken its toll on this country’s wallet, & it’s time to cut off the addicts from the well. Those who are in favor of taxpayers footing the bill for pre-existing conditions should be forced to pay for someone who smoked all their life & now has a $5,000 per month disease.

The idea that providing free care is a right, is INSANITY !!!

American tax dollars are limited, & we simply cannot afford to give healthcare away at no cost to every man, woman, & child. Even if we taxed the wealthiest corporations 100% of their revenues, there is still not nearly enough to give away free healthcare as a ‘RIGHT.’

Simple Solution

Therefore, the solution to healthcare in America is simple:

Take care of yourself with prudence, as much as you can, & when you cannot, humbly request service from a doctor who will keep their covenant with God to help you.

But, do not arrogantly assert your care as a freedom, because it is not. It is a service, just as any other you receive in the marketplace, & you have a responsibility to pay your service provider, just as YOU are paid for doing your job…

(CNN) – Miss USA: Health care ‘a privilege,’ not a right

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