The Biggest News Story You’ve Never Seen
Michaelantonio has been granted access to the world's top spy, who shares his secrets here with us...
A True Account Of This Super Spy’s Incredible Beginnings In Service To Fidel Castro, & Later Working With U.S. Intelligence To Stop Our World’s Marxist Scourge.
And now, his continuing mission is simple, yet powerful…
I don’t want to glorify myself, but to expose the truth. – Dr. del Marmol
He Has Secrets To Tell, & The Truth Will Set Us FREE !!!
This real life spy is Dr. Julio Antonio del Marmol, one of America’s most valuable national treasures, & an indispensable asset to the world at large. He is perhaps the least known, but most powerful member of any clandestine service worldwide, & holds many of modern history’s most coveted secrets, which has cost him, his loved ones & colleagues very dearly. After going rogue on Fidel Castro by threatening the Revolutionaries’ plans when he secretly stole Che Guevara’s attaché case, the angry dictator called him, El Relampago(The Lightning), because our swift spy was too elusive to be caught.
Dr. del Marmol grew up in Cuba, & at 12 years old, he was personally appointed by Fidel Castro as Commander-in-Chief of the Young Commandos of the Rebel Army. He witnessed, first hand, the duplicitous brutality of this Marxist menace, & this knowledge forced him to face his own conscience & choose righteousness over tyranny. It is then, at 13 years old, when he joins the true freedom fighters against this vile Castro Regime, as a young spy, working undercover to deliver secret information to his fellow fighters around the world.
The Embedded Spy Who Plotted JFK's Assassination with Oswald and Ruby: Don't Believe The Official StoryThe difference between a freedom fighter & a terrorist: Terrorists kill innocent people, & freedom fighters protect the innocent. – Dr. del Marmol
The Price Of Freedom
Our master spy has escaped 56 attempts on his own life, but many of those who joined him in this freedom fight were not so fortunate, including his wife & son, killed at the hands of Fidel Castro’s henchmen. He once stood by as Che Guevara shot a man, execution style, while this victim’s brains, blood, & skull shards exploded all over Julio Antonio’s face. This is why he has no time to waste in getting the truth out to all of us. He may be the last link to the survival of our liberty.
He has written 6 books already, with more to come, including an entire action packed movie franchise, designed to expose the dark powers who have influenced American & international politics for many decades, & destroy them!
What This Means For You
You may ask, “If this man is so important to us, why haven’t we heard about him until now?”
The answer will scare you, but the truth needs to come out, & its time has come. The enemies of freedom do not want Dr. del Marmol to share the truth with us, because it will spell the end of their reign on earth if we find out what they are doing to us. The sad fact is, one political party in America has adopted the dangerous principles & practices of communism & Marxist savagery. The Democrat Brand is responsible for the wholesale conditioning of Americans to accept the tyranny of the world’s dictators. With indisputable proof, we can now say with a resolute mind, the Democrat Party is fully onboard with the Marxist agenda. Showing no favor to one party or another, the Doctor wants us to see clearly what is happening, so we can cleanse our land free from such bondage.
Suspend your preconceived notions & forget everything you’ve learned from the mainstream media & phony politicians. America has been controlled for more than 60 years by powerful Left wing enclaves under the cloak of political expediency, oozing from the depths of a small island just 90 miles south of the U.S. Our government leadership has the ways & means to vanquish these threats, but not the will to do so, since their own political & physical safety are threatened.
Despite the cowardice of our purported public servants, the good Doctor is more interested in remaining loyal to what is right, unto his own peril! He has chosen to chronicle his life experiences to expose the secrets of those who aim to take away your freedoms.
Why I Am Doing This…NOW?!
Why I Am Doing This…NOW?!
Because history repeats itself when we don’t learn. Or we just want to forget or sweep under the rug what truly happened. History has shown that every time it repeats itself it is more devastating and 100 times worse. It’s more aggressive, gruesome, and appalling for everyone. As I have seen with my own eyes the effects are truly horrendous. This is the price we pay when we are not paying attention to the lessons of history, and don’t learn from our past. – Dr. Julio Antonio del Marmol
Dr. del Marmol features 3 of his first books here, which tell his story in exciting, vivid detail, revealing the stark reality of our dire circumstances:
Three Of The World’s Most Exciting & Influential
CUBA: The Truth, The Lies, And The Coverups – Click Here
In This Account:
- Go Back To Young Julio Antonio’s Early Spy Days In 1960
- Discover The Truth About Che Guevara
- The Beginning Of Nuclear Missiles In Cuba
- Learn About Assassination Plots Of World Leaders
- The Truth Of Cuba’s Plot To Commit JFK’s Murder
- His Meeting With Jack Ruby
The Cuban Lightning: The Zipper – Click Here
This Book Reveals:
- His Successful U.S. Intelligence Mission To Clone Billions Of Dollars, Designed To Tear Down The Berlin Wall & Bankrupt The Soviet Union
- How His Currency Cloning Mission Got Him Disavowed
- How A Supernatural Experience Saved Him From A 75 Year Prison Sentence
- The Cost Of His Freedom Fight To His Own Family & Friends
ISIS: The Genetic Conception – Click Here
In Here, You’ll Discover:
- Dr. del Marmol’s First Hand Knowledge About The Events That Led Up To The Terrorist Attacks On 9/11
- Why Our Leaders Failed To Stop This Devastating Invasion
- Terrorist Training Camps Inside Cuba, & Their Intended Purpose
- Attempts To Warn The Presidents Of The United States About The Impending 9/11 Attack
Are You Prepared For The Truth?
Dr. del Marmol has made it very clear that he cannot complete this mission alone. He needs your help, & assistance from everyone else who believes in true freedom.
You can start by visiting the links in this article, discovering & sharing all of the adventures & secrets that can change the course of world history in a positive way.
Most importantly, you don’t have to become a spy yourself to affect change. Rather, you can join the team now, & become a FREEDOM FIGHTER by doing your part!
Comey: The Most Dangerous Man Of This Century, Says World’s Top Spy
Comey: The Most Dangerous Man Of This Century, Says World’s Top Spy
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