Colin Kaepernick Goes ‘Home’ To Ghana With A Parting Shot At America


America’s most hated sports figure took a journey to the land of his origins, beautiful GHANA.
Yes, Colin Kaepernick made this pilgrimage, in his own words, ‘to find my personal independence.’
His July 4th video Tweet about the whole experience was more than a personal reflection about learning the path of his ancestry, it was another political jab at the hand which fed him, The United States.
Apparently, Colin hasn’t hammered our great country enough since he refused to stand up for the Star Spangled Banner at NFL Football games. Even in the face of rejection by all NFL franchises, born from his divisive behavior, he persists upon reviling the greatest nation on earth.        _____________________________________________________________________ 

On this sacred day while we celebrate our country’s independence, Colin Kaepernick tosses a hate grenade into our fond memorial:

How can we truly celebrate independence on a day that intentionally robbed our ancestors of theirs?

Casting Swine Upon Pearls

Now, no one alive today is proud of the slave trade which brought many of our black citizens’ ancestors to America’s shores, but Mr. Kaepernick has NOTHING to do with these poor souls who endured unthinkable tribulations.
Their forced emigration to a strange new land & subsequent horrific enslavement paved the way for today’s unparalleled prosperity enjoyed by Athletes like Colin Kaepernick & many others.
Colin misses the wisdom of this formation of our nation through revolution, & its evolution to emancipate all who have arrived here. Opportunities for prosperity are no greater anywhere else, which brings up another important point to educate little Colin.
The home of his ancestry, & many of those lands where people of color departed for America, are presently not nearly favorable abodes compared to the pleasures & freedoms in the United States.
Kaepernick speaks of finding his independence by going to his ‘home,’ Ghana,’ but he cannot realistically find more freedom there. His rhetoric is utter foolishness, & anyone who thinks rationally, inherently knows the folly of Colin’s intentions.
Instead of finding a grateful heart for God’s grace upon him, he spits upon the land which nurtured everything he has achieved & the corresponding grand wealth that most Americans can only dream to obtain. Then he fawns with foolish fondness, a place he really doesn’t know, & truly has given him virtually nothing.
Unless Ghana can start a football league that provides multi million dollar contracts to athletes, you have no credibility when America gave you such abundance, & you betray this to embrace the second most corrupt country in Africa.
Most insulting, Colin Kaepernick quotes Frederick Douglass, as if this legendary black patriot would have taken up his cause in any way, shape, or form.
These are Frederick’s words Colin chose to feature:

What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence?– Frederick Douglass

This was taken from a speech he gave in Rochester, New York, July 5, 1852.
For those who do not know American history, this speech was made at a time when slavery was still very much in operation throughout the South. As a respected black statesman, Douglass used this platform to foment necessary change in our nation, to the eventual liberation of slaves, which did come a decade later.
The problem with Colin’s targeted use of this one Douglass line: He failed to share other important points in this speech which would have brought proper context to Frederick’s words. Let’s look at what else he said…

My business, if I have any here to-day, is with the present. The accepted time with God and His cause is the ever-living now.

Trust no future, however pleasant,
Let the dead past bury its dead; 
Act, act in the living present, 
Heart within, and God overhead.– Frederick Douglass

He is saying here, that we should concern ourselves with the circumstances of the present day, & not to look back upon past injustices, however terrible. Colin Kaepernick should let the long dead practice of slavery bury its own atrocities in the past where it belongs.
When you constantly complain about a crisis that does not currently exist, you are digging up the turmoil of ghosts that are better left in God’s hands. Furthermore, you alienate good people who do not deserve your ridicule & it harms your own reputation.
Perhaps most shockingly, Frederick Douglass was a Republican, because he liked a movement NOT focused on color, but upon the bedrock of VALUES.
Republicans were the true abolitionists who believed that all men were created to be free, & Frederick Douglass was a positive force in that mission.
If Colin Kaepernick were truly interested in good values, he would have stood proudly for his National Anthem, comforted by the knowledge that black leaders of the past like Douglass used the American principles of liberty to forge freedom for slaves at the appointed time…

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