When the Internet inspired a new universal consciousness of broad & limitless communication, the social media spawn of this technology was naturally inclined to embrace free speech.
After all, the crushing oppression of Soviet era governance had been defeated by liberty lovers, & our future looked bright for a world of newly freed citizens seeking the American influence.
Unfortunately, we failed to account for the political world views of the architects behind civilization's latest & greatest invention. Silicon Valley is infested with enough evil genius to fashion the most powerful monster ever devised. And just like the mainstream media, left wing wizards own the conduits to humanity's senses.
What was once thought to be the dawn of an unprecedented exponential expansion of the free exchange of ideas, has terrifyingly degraded into just another tool for the tyrants to indoctrinate the masses while censoring opposing viewpoints into oblivion.
Valley Ghouls
From Facebook & Twitter to YouTube, the gatekeepers of global discourse will literally block anything they deem to violate their own twisted sensibilities. What's most insidious, they protect their tyranny with seemingly virtuous codes against what they call, 'hate speech.' As this article is being written, I am currently serving a 1 week sentence, banned from posting to groups on Facebook for merely sharing a meme which illustrates the absurdity of Colin Kaepernick's coronation on GQ.
This disturbing turn of events is so sweepingly vile, it makes '1984' seem like a children's magazine issue of Ranger Rick.
How Must We be Saved?
So, where can we turn to vanquish this planetary plague?
It seems, the same conservative separation of power principles which counteract the centralized oppression of left wing ideology can be used in the science of computer networks to thrust a dagger into the heart of the Silicon Valley Beast!
This is best conveyed by medium.com, who writes up a brilliant piece on human kind's most viable savior candidate:
GAB - An incredible social media platform that is designed, in their own words,
to put people and free speech first.This new social media dynamo aims to be an ad-free social network for creators who believe in free speech, individual liberty, and the free flow of information online, where all are welcome.
Original Sin
In medium.com's article, we learn that the major platforms originally boasted freedom of speech as the cornerstone of their values. Twitter even proclaimed itself, "the free speech wing of the free speech party.”
But alas, we should have known better. The left wing only counts their own speech as free, all others be damned.
We have tech savvy enthusiasts who are willing & able to break that untrustworthy trust.
Gab's founders, Andrew Torba & Ekrem Büyükkaya, turned a very real world crisis into a phenomenal opportunity to restore true equality unto the sharing of ideas, AND a great business venture for themselves.
Torba is a Christian, while Büyükkaya is a Kurdish Muslim who did not support the Trump campaign. Unlike the intolerant left, Gab fosters the battleground of ideas freely & fairly, for the newest followers to the founding fathers.
This is what makes their beautiful enterprise, perhaps, the new frontier in social connection.
So, why wait?
Get your GAB on & join the revolution!
Short sweet and to the point. Bravo